A good deal for Southeast Asia, a good deal for the planet
The aims of the Green New Deal is to remedy challenges faced by everyday Singaporeans such as rising costs of living, declining quality of life and job competition, and match the scale and speed of the economic transformation called for by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in their 2018 Special Report, “Global Warming of 1.5°C”.
The policy measures are founded on the principles and goals of putting a meaningful cost on carbon emissions to drive entrepreneurial innovation towards green solutions; creating a fair deal for the working class; ensuring a just transition for workers in sunset industries; co-creating as a form of participation in policy formation to utilize the creativity of citizens inside and outside of Singapore; and strengthening relationships for regional ASEAN cooperation.
Singapore Green New Deal is a grassroots volunteer driven organization. We provide research and education services to enable change makers overcome barriers and realize their potential. Our in-depth analysis touches a range of topics from sociology, economics and engineering to climate change and social issues. The reports address systemic solutions for policymakers as well as practical day to day challenges faced by those that want to make an impact.
Read about Singapore's climate change policy and the solution proposals
A Green New Deal for Singapore
Decarbonizing energy in Singapore
Check out the get involved section of the website to find out how you can get involved in the podcast series "Making an Impact"
Do find it difficult to imagine how your individual efforts could lead to any measurable change, or wonder whether you are the only one who is struggling with these questions? This podcast series explores tough questions on the psychological, social and political aspects of creating meaningful change for the environment as well as the practical challenges faced by individuals and the solutions for overcoming them.

Are you a student concerned about social and environmental issues in Singapore and want to know how you can make a difference? Check out the article Looking ahead: Singapore's environmental challenges and how youth can make a difference, to see responses to questions from students in Singapore.

Be a part of Singapore's just transition to a zero carbon future