This video explores Singapore's carbon conundrum by asking the question of how to create large scale, community wide systemic changes that are required when action is lacking
from large institutional actors in government and business. In particular I address the question
What can volunteers and NGOs do to affect these changes from the perspective of a concerned observer with limited ability to directly influence decisions and behaviors?
Part I : lessons learned for collective action solutions to the common pool resource situation
The video explores the lessons from Elinor Ostrom's research on the role of institutions for solving collective action problems and how they could be a useful guide for solving coordination and collective action problems. In the first part of the video, I explore Ostrom's research for a specific class of collective action problems known as "Common pool resource" situations, the lessons learned and an actionable framework for how concerned observers could operationalize these learnings into activities and new resources
through the general process of grassroots community organizing.
Part II : Adapting the community organizing framework to Singapore's urban sustainability challenge
In the second part of the video, I then connect those lessons and how they could apply to Singapore's carbon conundrum and the challenges of translating the lessons from rural Common pool resource problems to unique challenges of urban sustainability.
I end the video with a few sample proposals of collective action proposals which could create the systemic shift changes that need to occur to reduce Singapore's carbon emissions, and may be able to adapt some parts of the lessons learned from Ostrom's community organizing framework.
About Singapore Green New Deal
email contact : sggreennewdeal@gmail.com
Facebook group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/638397066897083/
Links and references
SG Green New Deal, 2020 unpacking Singapore's carbon conundrum, Q&A for the climate crisis
Channel News Asia (CNA), 2020 Carbon conundrum
Ostrom, 1990 Governing the Commons
Gal Oya Left Bank Rehabilitation Project, 1979
South Korea once recycled 2% of it’s food waste, now it recycles 95%