This post is a repository of a collection of educational resources for Singapore's climate crisis.
In this post
1. Quick reference primer
2. News and progress updates
3. References published by institutional resources
4. Climate crisis 101 educational resources
5. Singapore's climate action policy
6. Decarbonization solutions
7. Responses by the public and parliamentary debate
8. Public opinion on climate change
9. Taking action
1. Quick reference primers
Megan Darby and Sara Stefanini - 37 things you need to know about 1.5C global warming
350 SG - Key facts of climate crisis
350 - Climate science basics
2. News and progress updates
The Guardian - Climate change coverage
Straits Times - Environmental correspondent - Audrey Tan
Schroders - Climate progress dashboard
NASA - Climate change dashboard
3. References published by institutional sources
IPCC - Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C - 2018
IPCC - Special Report on climate change and land - 2019
IPCC - The ocean and cryosphere in a changing climate - 2019
UN Human Rights Council - Extreme poverty and climate change - 2019
International Monetary Fund - Macroeconomic and Financial Policies for Climate Change - 2019
ExxonMobil - Energy and Carbon Summary - 2019
Pope Francis - Laudato Si - 2015
National Association of Evangelicals - Loving the least of these - 2011
4. Climate crisis 101 education resources
Climate change facts sheet (9 pages) What on earth is the climate crisis?
Skeptical Science - Explaining climate change science & rebutting global warming misinformation
climate science from education institutions
American Chemical Society - Climate science toolkit
UNCC eLearn Climate change
SDGAcademy (Michael E Mann): Climate change, the science and the global impact
5. Singapore's climate action policy
Carbon Tracker - Singapore's Paris Agreement scorecard
PM Lee Hsien Loong UN climate action summit Singapore's action pledges - 2019
National Climate Change Secretariat - Climate Change & Singapore: Challenges. Opportunities. Partnerships - 2012
National Climate Change Secretariat - Charting Sinapore's Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Future (Low emissions development strategy submission to UNFCCC) - 2020
National Environment Agency - Singapore’s Fourth National Communication and Third Biennial Update Report - 2018
6. Decarbonization solutions
McKinsey - Carbon abatement cost curve
Climate Analytica - Decarbonizing Southeast Asia - 2019
350SG NCCS Consultation Response - Vision 2050: Towards a people's climate action plan for Singapore - 2019
350SG - Carbon capture, utilisation and storage - 2019
7. Responses by the public and parliamentary debate
National Climate Change Secretariat - Responses to public consultation on Low emissions development strategy - 2020
Senior Minister of Trade and Industry Chee Hong Tat - Response to Tax relief and incentives speech by Anthea Ong - 26 March 2020
Nominated Member of Parliament (NMP) Anthea Ong - Speech - Tax relief and incentives for a carbon neutral economy - 26 March 2020
NMP Anthea Ong - Parliamentary Question (PQ) - Economic transition to decarbonization - 3 March 2020
8. Public opinion on climate change
Pew Research - A look at how people around the world view climate change - 2019
Pew Research - Global Concern about Climate Change, Broad Support for Limiting Emissions - 2015
National Climate Change Secretariat - Climate Change public perceptions survey - 2019
Milieu Insights and Climate Conversations - Motivating Climate Action - 2018
Sonny Rosenthal, Edmund Lee, Shirley Ho and Benjamin Detenber - Perceptions of climate change in Singapore and the US - 2013
Yale Program on Climate Communications - Global warming's six Americas - 2016
Iain Walker and Zoe Leviston - Three types of climate change denial - 2019
National Association of Evanglicals - Loving the least of these - 2011
9. Taking action
First steps
Taylor Hickem - How to make an impact in global warming - cheat sheet - 2019
Taylor Hickem How to get involved in climate action in Singapore - 2019
New York Times how to stop freaking out and tackle climate change - 2019
Thomas Doherty and Susan Clayton - The psychological impacts of climate change - 2011
Climate activism organizing activism campaigns - Climate resistance handbook - 2019
B Lab UK - How to declare a climate emergency: A playbook for business - 2019
Extinction Rebellion - Self organizing system of XR UK explained - 2019